by jessparvin | Nov 2, 2018 | Balance Tests and Measures, Falls, Seniors
Gyrd Thrane, Ragnar M Joakimsen and Eline Thornquist Summary: A relationship between TUG time and history of falls in men but not in women was determined. However, the clinical relevance of this associated is limited due to the relatively small statistical...
Otago Exercise Program in the United States: Comparison of 2 Implementation Models
by jessparvin | Nov 2, 2018 | Balance Tests and Measures, Community-Based, Falls, Practice, Seniors
Tiffany E. Shubert, Matthew L. Smith, Lavina Goto, Luohua Jiang, Marcia G. OrySummary:Otago Exercise Program (OEP) is a fall prevention program that consists of 5 warm-up exercises and 17 strength and balance exercises, which are progressed over the course of the...
Balance Confidence and Fear of Falling Avoidance Behavior Are Most Predictive of Falling in Older Adults: Prospective Analysis
by jessparvin | Nov 2, 2018 | Balance Tests and Measures, Confidence, Falls, Fear, Seniors
Merrill R. Landers, Sarrie Oscar, Jessica Sasaoka, Kyle Vaughn Summary: Physical-based measures (Berg Balance Scale, Sensory Organization Test, Timed “Up & Go”, and Dynamic Gait Index) as well as psychological-based measures (Falls Efficacy Scale, Activity...
The Effectiveness of Dance Interventions to Improve Older Adults’ Health: A Systematic Literature Review
by jessparvin | Nov 2, 2018 | Ballroom Dance, Dance, Practice, Seniors
Phoebe Woei-Ni Hwang, MS; Kathryn L. Braun, DrPH Summary: Physical inactivity is common in individuals over the age of 60. This systemic review was looking at the benefits of physical health using dance. The compiled results of 18 studies suggest dance, regardless of...
Effects of a Salsa Dance Training on Balance and Strength Performance in Older Adults
by jessparvin | Nov 2, 2018 | Balance Tests and Measures, Ballroom Dance, Dance, Seniors
Urs Granacher, Thomas Muehlbauer, Stephanie A. Bridenbaugh, Madeleine Wolf, Ralf Roth, Yves Gschwind, Irene Wolf, Rui Mata, Reto W. Kressig Summary: In this 8 week of progressive salsa dancing, researchers investigated the effects of salsa dancing on measures of...