by jessparvin | May 5, 2023 | Balance Tests and Measures, Community-Based, Confidence, Dance, Fear, News, Seniors, Uncategorized
In 2021, dancers from one of our BB4B classes were invited to participate in a study with Dr. Kristen Pickett and her lab at the UW-Madison Kinesiology department examining the effectiveness of our class on many measures, including balance and self-reported confidence...
by jessparvin | Dec 31, 2022 | Balance Tests and Measures, Confidence, Falls, Fear, Feet, Seniors, Uncategorized
Pol F, Khajooei Z, Hosseini SM, Taheri A, Forghany S, Menz HB. Summary: Several foot and ankle characteristics are associated with fear of falling and mobility in older people. Targeting these modifiable risk factors may play a role in reducing fear of falling and...
by jessparvin | Nov 2, 2018 | Balance Tests and Measures, Confidence, Falls, Fear, Seniors
Merrill R. Landers, Sarrie Oscar, Jessica Sasaoka, Kyle Vaughn Summary: Physical-based measures (Berg Balance Scale, Sensory Organization Test, Timed “Up & Go”, and Dynamic Gait Index) as well as psychological-based measures (Falls Efficacy Scale, Activity...
Balance Confidence and Fear of Falling Avoidance Behavior Are Most Predictive of Falling in Older Adults
by jessparvin | Apr 24, 2017 | Balance Tests and Measures, Confidence, Dual-tasking, Falls, Fear, Seniors
by Merrill R. Landers, Sarrie Oscar, Jessica Sasoka & Kyle Vaughn Summary: Physical-based measures (Berg Balance Scale, Sensory Organization Test, Timed “Up & Go”, and Dynamic Gait Index) as well as psychological-based measures (Falls Efficacy Scale, Activity...