
News, Research & Resources

Looking Forward!

Looking Forward!

This was the last dance we did in-person inside.  Susan's class at the Madison Central Library was a line dance created by young people in Vietnam in reaction to the Ghen Cô Vy Challenge from the Vietnamese Government. It was a way to spread the message about washing...

New Classes – Spring & Summer 2021!

New Classes – Spring & Summer 2021!

There are SO MANY WAYS to keep dancing! Remember, just three hours a week of challenging your balance (dancing being a FUN way) is shown by research to reduce falls risk! Start today! Ballroom Basics for Balance has been growing and changing with this past year. We...

Train with us this April!

Train with us this April!

Train with BB4B - Use our curriculum to Enrich your work or become an Instructor!  We have redesigned the training process for BB4B! We now have two tracks: Enrichment and Instructor. Join us. Here's the way. Try it out: Register for our 2-hour (2 CEUs/contact hours)...

Stoughton Area Senior Center and BB4B

We were invited to present a Badger Talks Live about Ballroom Basics for Balance™ to the Stoughton Area Senior Center and community. We highlight what makes this class so fun and effective! Thanks to Stoughton and to UW Connects for the opportunity to share our love...

Badger Talks Live & BB4B -Watch Now!

Badger Talks Live & BB4B -Watch Now!

Susan was featured on Badger Talks Live recently. Listen, watch, and participate! Enjoy an overview of the history & curriculum, test your balance and falls risk and try two dances! Simply click HERE to see the talk and join in! Susan has been invited to the...

Some private practitioners face difficult decision amidst pandemic

Some private practitioners face difficult decision amidst pandemic

From NBC 15, April 2, 2020 MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) -- Some private practitioners who are not on the front lines of the pandemic are facing a difficult decision amidst the outbreak, with many wondering if they should continue serving clients, or close shop. According to...

UW Student Volunteers Shine in this Video!

UW Student Volunteers Shine in this Video!

Watch this video highlighting our amazing student volunteers - one of the best parts about BB4B! Thank you to Craig Wild and crew from UW-Madison Communications department!